On Loma Prieta Quake’s 30th Anniversary: Talk of a Future Temblor


An automobile lies crushed under the third story of this apartment building in San Francisco’s Marina District. The ground levels are no longer visible because of structural failure and sinking due to liquefaction. Photo by J.K. Nakata // courtesy USGS

In the face of the 30th anniversary of the deadly Loma Prieta earthquake, which occurred on Oct. 17, 1989, geologist Keith Knudsen explains the threat posed by the Hayward Fault.

“I think the level of damage and the number of deaths will actually be comparable to 9/11. We could have hundreds of thousands of people who are killed and we could have tens or hundreds of billions of dollars of damage.” — Keith Knudsen, geologist and deputy director of the U.S. Geologic Survey’s Earthquake Science Center in Menlo Park

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