Turnout Climbed to 37% in California’s Primary — Here’s the Who, Where and Why


Getting voters to turn out during off-year elections, when a presidential candidate isn’t on the ballot, has always been a tough sell. Photo by Robbie Short for CALmatters

By Ben Christopher, CALmatters

Give yourself a round of applause, California. For a decade, voter participation during midterm primary elections has been slipping down and down. Last time around, in 2014, the state hit an all-time low for voter apathy: Only 1-in-4 registered voters bothered to participate.

But this June, we broke the trend. With all ballots counted (finally), a little over 37 percent of those registered to do so got out to vote. (The secretary of state’s office has a few more days to finalize the numbers.)

Read the complete story at CALmatters.

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