Network of California Districts to Explore the Enigma of Engaging Parents


Parents and school officials review a draft of the West Contra Costa Unified Local Control Accountability Plan. Photo by Alex Gronke/EdSource

By John Fensterwald, EdSource

California plans to spend $13.3 million over six years to identify and replicate successful ingredients of community engagement, an essential but, for many school districts, elusive part of local control — the shorthand for setting budgeting and academic priorities under the state’s school financing law.

The new money — included in the 2018-19 budget — will fund a network that eventually will reach as many as 80 districts. The funding represents the first substantial state effort to strengthen community involvement as required under the law, known as the Local Control Funding Formula. The school funding law, which Gov. Jerry Brown championed, shifted control over decision-making from Sacramento to school districts.

Read the complete story at EdSource.

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