California Kindergarten Vaccination Rates Reach All-Time High in Aftermath of New Law


A 90 percent to 95 percent vaccination rate is considered “herd immunity,” the rate necessary to protect a community from an outbreak of many types of contagious diseases. Creative Commons image by

By Jane Meredith Adams, EdSource

Vaccination rates hit an all-time high for California kindergartners, the California Department of Public Health said recently as it announced its first findings since a new law ended the era of the “personal belief exemption” that allowed thousands of parents to choose not to vaccinate their children who attend public and private schools.

The percentage of kindergartners who received all required vaccines rose to 95.6 percent in 2016-17, up from the 92.8 percent rate in 2015-16. This is the highest reported rate for the current set of immunization requirements, which began in the 2001-02 school year, the state said.

Read the complete story at EdSource. 

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