Treasure Island residents caught in middle of Bay Bridge crisis return to ‘normal’ life


Photo by Thaddeus Razdow

By Claudia Paredes

Last Tuesday’s closure of the Bay Bridge due to the dramatic failure of a faulty structural patch left Bay Area commuters without an easy way to get to into San Francisco to work.

But the incident had an especially burdensome effect on Treasure Island residents. Officials tried to accommodate the unique transportation challenges of island residents whose only reliable connection to the outside world is the bridge.

Residents from the island are provided with car stickers, which during the bridge closure allowed them to cross the west span of the bridge at any time, since it wasn’t damaged. But no one else could get there.

Public transportation was running more frequently than usual. While the east span was closed in both directions to all traffic, on the west span connection to San Francisco one of the four lanes was kept open to allow Treasure Islanders to escape.

But in interviews, island residents showed a lack of distress about their isolation.

Ti Hyun, moved to Treasure Island four months ago for the lifestyle. "I like the environment, the scenery and the trees," she said. And the rent is much lower.

Because she relies on the bus, "The Bay Bridge closing hasn’t affected me — it doesn’t matter." Bus she said public transportation should run more often, as there are times when the bus can take up to 40 minutes.

Abdul Saleh, owner of the Island Market and Deli, has been living on the island for nine months and has found his stay pleasurable.

"I like living here," he said. "It is close to work. It’s nice. They have nice units." Saleh’s commute to the city was not affected by the Bay Bridge incident.

But his business faltered for lack of tourists.

"It is hard for our business," Saleh said. "We had to find out other ways to get merchandise over. We have to go all around and take alternative routes." To get merchandise to the island they had to take the San Mateo-Hayward Bridge.


Treasure Island resident Ti Hyun. Photo by Thaddeus Razdow

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