S.F. Police Do Some Retraining, but Experts Say More Is Needed


Chief Greg Suhr speaks at a town hall meeting for Luis Gongora. Photo by Lola M. Chavez/Mission Local

By Laura Wenus, Mission Local

Among those who work in and around the San Francisco Police Department, several say Police Chief Greg Suhr — whom five hunger strikers camped out at Mission Station want to unseat — is trying to retrain officers and reduce the use of deadly force. But they agree that more needs to be done, and one of the experts involved in retraining was sharply critical of the Luis Gongora shooting, which occurred after the retraining.

“I think that he’s in a position where he has got to act and he’s gotta do something more than what he’s doing now. And I think he realizes that,” said Public Defender Jeff Adachi. “He’s got to reach the point where he’s got to be able to tell people, ‘Mario Woods’ shooting never should have happened.’ And from my talks with him, I think he believes that – I think if he was there and he got called to the scene, he’d be like, ‘No! Don’t do that!’ ” 

Read the complete story at Mission Local. 

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