Families Live Jammed Into Chinatown Rooms in San Francisco


Ivy Gao’s son, Sampson, 3, spends his days playing in the SRO’s tight quarters. Photo by Tudor Stanley/New America Media

By Katherine Kam, New America Media

As a child, Vida Kuang would follow her mother from their cramped single room in a residential hotel in San Francisco’s Chinatown to walk through neighborhoods bejeweled with spacious Victorians. There, they imagined a life in which families of four did not have to pad down a hallway to jostle for room in a communal bathroom or kitchen.

“My mom was always wishing or wanting to move,” said Kuang, 24. “Her yearning got handed down to me. I was also yearning not to live in that building.”

Read the complete story at New America Media. 

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