Forbes Report: Academy of Art in S.F. Beset by Low Graduation Rates, Code Violations


The Academy of Art University in San Francisco is the country's biggest private art college. Photo courtesy of KQED

By Natalie Yemenidjian, KQED News Fix

San Francisco’s Academy of Art University, an institution that has been operating for 86 years, is the nation’s biggest private art college. But only 32 percent of its full-time students graduate in six years — compared with 59 percent for colleges nationally and as high as 90 percent for top-of-the-line art colleges like the Rhode Island School of Design.

The September issue of Forbes magazine calls out the for-profit Academy of Art in two investigative reports for having low graduation rates, nondisclosure of job placements and a student body burdened with debt. Forbes also discloses that the Stephens family, which owns the college, has outstanding planning code violations for 31 of 40 buildings it owns throughout the city.

Read the complete story at KQED News Fix.

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