Bay Area Schools Put Race on Syllabus


Data suggest that ethnic studies classes can help close the racial achievement gap. Photo courtesy of KALW Crosscurrents

By Liza Veale, KALW Crosscurrents

Beginning next fall, all San Francisco public schools will offer a class called Ethnic Studies. It is a look at American history and culture from the perspective of people who are not white. It is also a chance to break down race in the classroom and deal with tough concepts, like unconscious racism and structural inequality.

It  is a timely move, and one San Francisco School Board Director Emily Murase thinks can help solve what she calls a “crisis in race relations.” Murase said she is “very proud to be part of a community to find the antidote to that crisis to be. . . . an inclusive curriculum.”

Read the complete story at KALW Crosscurrents. 

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