High Schools in Mission District See More Students Graduate


Michelle Nguyen holds her transcript proudly. She will be attending UC Santa Cruz in the fall. Photo by Andra Cernavskis/Mission Local

By Andra Cernavskis, Mission Local

A few years ago, it did not look like Michelle Nguyen, 17, would make it through high school. After a successful middle school career, Nguyen ended up at Lowell, the city’s most competitive public high school. It was here that her life began to unravel when problems at home began to creep up. She rarely made it to class in her freshman year, and the 0.0 GPA suggested a future without college.

Nguyen’s fate changed when she transferred to Mission High School later that year. She will now be a part of a growing number of students who attend high school in the Mission to walk across the stage in her cap and gown in a few weeks.

Graduation rates are on the rise at Mission  and John O’Connell high schools.

Read the complete story at Mission Local. 

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