Q&A: Bay Area Ukrainians Organize in Response to Crisis


Above: Ukrainians gathered in San Francisco in January for a rally in support of pro-European protestors in the Ukrainian capital Kiev.

 By Zdenek KratochvilNew America Media

Editor’s Note: Protests in Ukraine sparked by former President Viktor Yanukovych’s decision to reject a trade deal with the European Union have now evolved into a larger regional crisis. Concerns are growing over the possible breakup of the former Soviet Union country. Moscow’s growing military involvement, meanwhile, has leaders in Washington and the European Union scrambling to come up with a response. Organizers of MaydanSF, a Bay Area-based Ukrainian group named for the protests that began in the Ukrainian capital Kiev in November, have been working to support protestors in their home country. To date, they have organized several local rallies and say more are planned. They spoke with New America Media  contributor Zdenek Kratochvil.

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