Feds Recast Child Prostitutes as Victims, Not Criminals


The FBI and Department of Justice are working to encourage local law enforcement agencies to view child prostitutes as potential human trafficking victims rather than criminals. Photo courtesy of KQED News Fix

By Jessica Pupovac, KQED News Fix

Across the country, newly formed task forces made up of local, state and federal law enforcement officers are starting to view what was once seen as run-of-the-mill prostitution as possible instances of sex trafficking.

With support and funding from the FBI and the Justice Department, agencies are starting to work together to identify and rescue sex trafficking victims and arrest their pimps.

The new approach is being hailed by victims of trafficking and their advocates as a much-needed paradigm shift — and, the FBI says, is reaping results.

Read the complete story at KQED News Fix. 

For more on the issue of human trafficking, read the 2012 special report by the S.F. Public Press, ” ‘Force, Fraud and Coercion’ “: Human Trafficking in the Bay Area.”

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