Muni hopes new reports will give clearer view of performance issues


Riders hop on board an F line streetcar. System ridership went up in January. Photo by Jason Winshell/SF Public Press

Muni is considering changing the way it looks at how well the transit system is performing by adding new measures and having more monthly reports for the fiscal year 2013-2014.

Some of the new reports would gauge the average Muni system speed on a quarterly basis and also track how often buses leave their terminals on time. The transit agency will also look at overall customer satisfaction with transit services quarterly instead of just annually.

Officials said  the new reports will help them examine Muni more closely and provide riders more meaningful indicators on how the transit system is performing.

January Muni bus ridership 3.3 percent compared to last year. Ridership rose from 457,979 to 473,146 on the weekdays, according to the transit agency.

John Haley, transit director of Muni operations, attributes the increase to more service hours and increased economic activity. He expects to see the ridership numbers to keep rising.

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