Many Ways to Give

Dear members and friends,

Thank you for all the support and encouragement you’ve given us this year. With your help, the San Francisco Public Press continues to do in-depth reporting on important local issues and investigate the effects of public policy decisions in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area. 

This year, we produced reports on increasing segregation in San Francisco’s public schools, the lack of planning for sea level rise in new waterfront development all around the bay and a nonpartisan voter guide covering all the candidates and propositions for San Francisco’s Nov. 3 election. Coming soon: A comprehensive analysis of the rising cost of living. (Front page sneak peek at right.)

As a small, nonprofit news organization, the Public Press depends on the generosity of readers like you — people who value independent public media — to produce award-winning public-interest journalism.

As we approach the end of 2015, I’d like to tell you about three ways you can help the Public Press — including one option that won’t cost you a dime.

Become a member or renew your membership. For your donation of $35 or more, receive home delivery of the next four issues of the newspaper — brought to you by bicycle in San Francisco — plus invitations to special member events. Higher membership levels come with additional benefits. New this year: Sign up for recurring monthly donations to help us develop a reliable stream of support and make giving simpler for you.

Give a gift. We offer gift memberships at every level — a great way to thank your family, friends and colleagues this holiday season. One size fits all in print! 

The free option. We’ve teamed up with DonateDirect, which helps nonprofits receive benefits from class action settlements for consumer products. This season, we’re participating in a cathode ray tube (CRT) settlement program. You can help by filling out the form linked from this page with the number of CRT televisions and computer monitors you purchased between 1995 and 2007, and by agreeing to transfer your rebate to the Public Press. Can you or your company can donate more than four CRT rebates? Please send an email to Glenn Nyhan at [email protected]and he will follow up with you about processing your donation.

We know you will be hearing from many organizations representing many deserving causes this holiday season. We hope you will consider including the Public Press among the organizations you choose to support as we approach the end of 2015. 

Warmest regards,

Lila LaHood

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