Bay Bridge: Last Chance to Get a Panorama and Fund an Investigation

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This week McSweeney’s is doing a second print run on the San Francisco Panorama.

This was a Sunday sized broadsheet paper of over 300 pages (I still haven’t finished my copy) complete with a front page investigation on the Oakland Bay Bridge. The Bay Bridge report was completed by our friends at the San Francisco Public press and funded by over 150 small contributors at Spot.Us.

The full investigation into the Bay Bridge can be found here.

With more copies in the door the SF Public Press is making one last offer to try and reach our fundraising goal for this pitch. Currently – the amount of labor put into the story has us operating at a bit of a loss.

If anyone contributes $50 or more towards the Spot.Us pitch they’ll get a copy of the Panorama (priced at $16) andmembership to the SF Public Press for the next year. If you’ve donated $20 already – then it’s just another $30 to get a copy of the Panorama and become a Public Press member.

Fundraising will end this week, but the reporting, that will live on!

Related posts:

  1. Case Study in Collaboration:, Public Press, and McSweeney’s
  2. An Update on the Oakland Police Investigation
  3. Prison Health and our community: A Public Health Investigation

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